Have you been Skippering a Motor Cruiser, and have a fair amount of experience, but would now like to earn your Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence? We have just the program for you to follow.
The following courses form this program:
RYA SRC Radio Licence Course. We offer this course as an online, as well as a classroom option. This is followed by a practical exam, carried out by an RYA accredited SRC Examiner.
Essential navigation and Seamanship Course. This online course will give you the essential knowledge needed when you’re afloat, from navigation to safety and seamanship to passage planning. If you have had no previous RYA shorebased training, we recommend this course if you choose to do the Yachtmaster Fastrack online course.
It is essential that you complete the shorebased courses, we recommend the Fastrack Yachtmaster online course. This is a combination of Revision of Day Skipper Theory, and then followed by the Coastal Skipper theory.
We offer both the Day Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased courses as a classroom module, with an instructor. The Day Skipper shorebased course is run over 5 days, and the Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased over 7 days.
The Helmsman course is an excellent course for the familiarisation of the vessel, which will be used for the Motor Prep and Exam.
To ensure that all Yachtmaster Candidates who have completed the online courses are familiar with all aspect of the course, we offer two days of Yachtmaster theory revision.
This is followed by the Yachtmaster Motor Cruiser Prep and Exam. This consists of 3 days of preparation, and two days of exam. The exam is carried out by an RYA Accredited Examiner.
Should you wish to commercially endorse your Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence, you will then have to complete the RYA PPR (PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES) online course.
Below are the prerequisites for the Yachtmaster offshore Certificate of competence:
- 50 days at Sea
- 2500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination
- Acting as skipper for at least two of these passages
- Including two which have involved overnight passages
- 5 days experience as skipper
- At least half this mileage and passages must be conducted in tidal waters
- Vessel must not be more than 24 metres, and 200gt. If the vessel is longer than 24 meters, then only half the sea miles count.
- To Commercially Endorse your Certificate of Competence, you must also have completed your STCW modules, which consist of:
- Elementary First Aid
- Marine Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Personal Survival Techniques
- You will also require a Medical declaring yourself medically fit to operate a vessel. This medical needs to be approved by the RYA and the MCA
For enquiries about this program, please email us at info@oceansailing.co.za or complete the contact form below and we will get back to you: